
We have all kinds of configure in application, including framework configuration and project defined ones. ThinkJS manage all configurations and arrange them into src/config/ folder (or in src/common/config/ in multi-module project), these configs are categorized and divided into following files.

  • config.js common config
  • adapter.js adapter config
  • router.js customized router config
  • middleware.js middlware config
  • validator.js data validation config
  • extend.js extend config


// src/config.js

module.exports = {
  port: 1234,
  redis: {
    host: '',
    port: 2456,
    password: ''

Configuration value can be as simple as a string or a complex object, depends on the specify requirement.

multi-environment config

Some configurations need to be set according to the environment, like we want the database configuration be different between production and develop environment, this can be acheived by using multi-environment config.

multi-environment config defines as[name].[env].js, for example: config.development.js, config.production.js. Note: only config.js and adapter.js support multi-environment config file.

System Default Config

These are some default configurations need to be aware:

  • config.js common config

      port: 8360, // server port
      // host: '', // server host, removed from 3.1.0
      workers: 0, // server workers num, if value is 0 then get cpus num
      createServer: undefined, // create server function
      startServerTimeout: 3000, // before start server time
      reloadSignal: 'SIGUSR2', // reload process signal
      stickyCluster: false, // sticky cluster, add from 3.1.0
      onUnhandledRejection: err => think.logger.error(err), // unhandledRejection handle
      onUncaughtException: err => think.logger.error(err), // uncaughtException handle
      processKillTimeout: 10 * 1000, // process kill timeout, default is 10s
      jsonpCallbackField: 'callback', // jsonp callback field
      jsonContentType: 'application/json', // json content type
      errnoField: 'errno', // errno field
      errmsgField: 'errmsg', // errmsg field
      defaultErrno: 1000, // default errno
      validateDefaultErrno: 1001 // validate default errno

Config Merging

When system starts up, all configurations will be merged and provided to users. Below is the merging process:

  • load [ThinkJS]/lib/config/config.js
  • load src/config/config.js
  • load src/config/config.[env].js
  • load [ThinkJS]/lib/config/adapter.js
  • load [ThinkJS]/lib/config/adapter.[env].js
  • load src/config/adapter.js
  • load src/config/adapter.[env].js

[env] is the runtime environment. At last these configurations will be merged together, configs comes later with the same name will override previous ones. Configs are loaded by think-loader module, and the merged configs are represent by think-config, of which instance is accessible through think.config.

Use Config

To quick access config in different environmens:

  • for ctx, use ctx.config(key)
  • for controller, use controller.config(key)
  • else, use think.config(key)

actually, ctx.config and controller.config is based on think.config.

const redis = ctx.config('redis'); //get redis config
module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  indexAction() {
    const redis = this.config('redis'); // in controller through this.config

Dynamic Set Config

Sometimes we need to dynamically set config, like configurations store in database, we can load them on application start and set them. The Framework provides a dynamic way of set configurations, by using think.config(key, value):

// src/bootstrap/worker.js

// Before HTTP service start
think.beforeStartServer(async () => {
  const config = await think.model('config').select();
  think.config('userConfig', config); // read form database and set


Can I set user related value into config?

No. config setting is global and will be visible in all request. Different user settings will interfere with each other.

Can congiguration in config.js and adapter.js use the same key?

No. Because configurations from config.js and adapter.js will be merged, configuration with the same key will be overridden.

How to view the merged config?

System will merge config.js and adapter.js configurations on startup, the final config will be save into runtime/config/[env].json file, for example if the current env is development, then the config file will be runtime/config/development.json.

Config will be convert to string using JSON.stringify and save as file, becuase JSON.stringify doesn't support regular expression or function, so these value will not be visible.

Config file in multi-module project?

In multi-module project, config file is save at src/common/config/, the format and the name is the same as single module one, for example: src/common/config/config.js, src/common/config/adapter.js, src/common/config/middleware.js.

There are config can be put into each module folder, the path is src/[module]/config/, [module] is the specific module name.

How to check the config file loading detail?

Sometime we want to check the config loading detail, we can show loading detail in cli by using DEBUG=think-loader-config-* npm start to boot application.

think-loader-config-40322 load file: //demo/app/config/adapter.js +3ms
think-loader-config-40323 load file: /demo/node_modules/thinkjs/lib/config/adapter.js +5ms
think-loader-config-40320 load file: /demo/app/config/adapter.js +4ms
think-loader-config-40323 load file: /demo/app/config/adapter.js +3ms
think-loader-config-40325 load file: /demo/app/config/config.js +0ms
think-loader-config-40325 load file: /demo/node_modules/thinkjs/lib/config/adapter.js +5ms
think-loader-config-40325 load file: /demo/app/config/adapter.js +3ms
think-loader-config-40321 load file: /demo/app/config/config.js +0ms
think-loader-config-40321 load file: /demo/node_modules/thinkjs/lib/config/adapter.js +5ms
think-loader-config-40321 load file: /demo/app/config/adapter.js +3ms
think-loader-config-40324 load file: /demo/app/config/config.js +0ms
think-loader-config-40319 load file: /demo/app/config/config.js +0ms
think-loader-config-40319 load file: /demo/node_modules/thinkjs/lib/config/adapter.js +6ms
think-loader-config-40324 load file: /demo/node_modules/thinkjs/lib/config/adapter.js +5ms
think-loader-config-40319 load file: /demo/app/config/adapter.js +7ms
think-loader-config-40324 load file: /demo/app/config/adapter.js +8ms

Because service will start in Master and each Workers, the debug info will display more than once, we add a pid to distinguish: think-loader-config-40322 is the config loading detail of process 40322.