Quick start

With the scaffolding provided by ThinkJS, you can quickly create a project. In order to be able to use more ES6 features, the framework requires Node.js to be at least 6.x, and we suggest to use LTS version.

Install ThinkJS

$ npm install -g think-cli

After the installation is complete, there will be a thinkjs command in the system (think-cli's version number can be checked by thinkjs -V, which is not the version of thinkjs). If you can not find this command, confirm that the environment variables are correct.

If you are upgrading from 2.x, you need to delete the previous command and then reinstall it.

Uninstall old version

$ npm uninstall -g thinkjs

Create project

Execute thinkjs new [project_name] to create a project, such as:

$ thinkjs new demo;
$ cd demo;
$ npm install; 
$ npm start; 

When done you will see following log message:

[2017-06-25 15:21:35.408] [INFO] - Server running at
[2017-06-25 15:21:35.412] [INFO] - ThinkJS version: 3.0.0-beta1
[2017-06-25 15:21:35.413] [INFO] - Enviroment: development
[2017-06-25 15:21:35.413] [INFO] - Workers: 8

Open browser to visit, or to replace IP to specific address if project is create on a remote server.

Project structure

The default project structure is as follows:

|--- development.js   // Development entry file
|--- nginx.conf  //nginx config file
|--- package.json
|--- pm2.json //pm2 config file
|--- production.js // Production entry file
|--- README.md
|--- src
| |--- bootstrap  // Auto-execute directory on start up
| | |--- master.js // Execute in Master process 
| | |--- worker.js // Execute in worker process
| |--- config  // configuration directory
| | |--- adapter.js  // adapter config
| | |--- config.js  // default config file
| | |--- config.production.js  // production environment default config file, will merge into config.js
| | |--- extend.js  //extend config file
| | |--- middleware.js // Middleware config file
| | |--- router.js // Custom route config file 
| |--- controller  // Controller folder
| | |--- base.js
| | |--- index.js
| |--- service  // Service folder
| | |--- **.js // User defined service
| |--- logic //logic directory
| | |--- index.js
| |--- model // Model directory
| | |--- index.js
|--- view  // Template direcotry
| |--- index_index.html
|--- www
| |--- static  // static resource direcotry
| | |--- css
| | |--- img
| | |--- js